After some consideration, I decided to edit/post some of my old writing. I'm really glad that I did what I did (documented) because there are certain memories, smells, and dreams that I might have lost otherwise. Normally, I wouldn't post anything this personal. There are a lot of things I am hesitant to show to colleges about myself. Or to anyone really. But here's the rationalization: if I don't show myself to colleges, they won't see little anecdotes and idiosyncrasies. They won't know what they're looking over--er, I mean who they're looking over.
If I don't show them what I've got, what chance do I have of being where I want to? I think that's why I'm struggling over the essays. I feel very--on stage.
What's difficult for me is this: it's not about selling myself, it's about showing myself.
It's true, I originally had no intent of publishing these exact works. But now that I will, I think it's good practice for my future. That vulnerability in letting the world see what you've made. No wonder Emily Dickinson was a recluse.